Recluse/Shut In looking for advice on starting a career for the first time. Have a degree but nothing else. Where do I start from here?
Hello, I'm a shut in (don't want to explain) who is planning to finally look for job (been "planning" it for months though), the only thing I have though is a resume with light extracurricular involvement (and even then I'm stretching it), no references, I have a degree (don't want to say in what though, in fear of id'ing me, those willing to pm are welcome), no practical skills. To make matters worse, though that isn't as critical of an issue, I outgrown most of my outside clothes though my family's getting me to get new clothes so that shouldn't be an issue (maybe there's a thrift store with my size). Thing is, it's been so long, don't know where to start, I'm too embarrassed to ask my school's career services for awhile, to embarrassed to reach out on Linkdein but have thought about looking at some of the government job centers in the areas (this is US by the way), and looking at Skillshare and Brillant for learning skills online. I have an idea where to start (government job center, trying out Temp Agencies) so my major issue is follow through but any advice here? Also, I have no experience in this so I may hate it but I think I want to be a budget analyst, the question is getting (and if I'd like it), preferably a job where I only work with my team in an office.
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