Quitting a job after 16 months

Hi, so I have been working full time for almost 3 years now. My last job was 10 months full time and a 6 months internship before that. I moved to my current job thinking this was what I wanted to do. It's been 16 months now, and I am going to quit this week. I'm overly stressed and can't concentrate anymore. I'm not good at my job, and every day is a constant struggle. I know I need to sort out my mental health issue out.

Would two relatively short terms jobs look on my resume-both under two years? I would like to keep the door open to move back into this field....if I'm desperate. But I have a different career path in-mind.

I'm 25 if that matters. Both jobs were in my field of study.

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Quitting a job after 16 months Quitting a job after 16 months Reviewed by Louhi on novembre 22, 2019 Rating: 5

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