Looking for feedback on my “tell us about yourself” answer

Hi everyone

For context, I’m still at high school and as part of an application to a fast food restaurant, a voice recording of myself answering the “tell us about yourself” question is required. I’m from New Zealand, so to clarify any terminology differences below – “internal assessment” is the same thing as an assignment, “NCEA” is the standard of assessment we use, similar to “GCSE levels” and a “merit grade” is the same thing as a low A/high B grade.

How can I improve this? Should I include the grade I received for my assignment or is this unnecessary? (I have loosely tried to use the STAR method)


Hi I’m (name) I am a year 11 student at (high school name) and I am currently sitting NCEA level one.

Previously from (start date) to (end date) I worked as a member of the (school name) student recycle team as I was interested in giving back to the school as well as doing my part for the environment. My key responsibilities in this job were collecting and sorting recycling materials as well as cleaning recycling stations around the school.

I am a good communicator who works well in a team, for example earlier in the year I worked with other members of the student recycle team to do a presentation to the staff and teachers at my school about the new recycling system that had recently been implemented. This involved me talking about the new recycling stations around the school, the importance of recycling in general, as well as the importance of using the stations correctly to reduce contamination and make the new systems as effective as possible.

I also have good time management and organisational skills. For example, during a geography field trip earlier this year, I worked with the members of my group to collect data around (city name) which was essential for our internal assessment. I prioritised and delegated tasks amongst my group members and set time based goals for how long each task should take. At the end of the day, my group completed all of our planned tasks in advance of our deadline and we were able to collate the data we had each gathered individually. This ensured everyone had the required information to write our individual reports. The end result was a finished internal assessment which I received a merit grade for.

I thoroughly enjoyed my time working on the recycle team and I believe this has given me additional skills and experience that along with my ability to work well in a team, manage my time well and communicate effectively would make me a suitable team member at (fast food restaurant name). 

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Looking for feedback on my “tell us about yourself” answer Looking for feedback on my “tell us about yourself” answer Reviewed by Louhi on novembre 27, 2019 Rating: 5

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