I recently relocated for a job that I started in July. I really enjoy my role, seemingly great potential in the future, fairly good pay, good mentors. I still have an active account with the job searching site and it recommended I apply for a position that just opened up in the area where I used to live for a job that I had wanted before I left. It’s about the same salary, similar responsibilities but it is with a company that is the direct competitor to the company I currently work with (my boss knows the bosses at this other company). The draw to apply with the competitor is that my wife and kids still haven’t moved to where I relocated to yet (although they plan to in the next month between school break) and we would ideally like to stay in that area as we have a lot of family there. My issue is, if I’m not fully committed to change jobs, I wouldn’t want the fact that I even applied (since I would list my current role with the competitor on my resume) to come back to my current employers and sour their opinion of me. Please help!
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