How dishonest is it to put current GPA on my resume for internships, knowing it's going to go down significantly after this quarter ends? Is this a terrible plan?
*Explanation for why it will go down, if anyone thinks it's relevant\*
I had a lot of bad things happen to me at the beginning of this semester, and my anxiety was so paralyzing that I was too scared to even log into my classes half the time. I don't know why it terrified me so much, but it's too late to withdraw from the class I'm failing now. I just started at this school, so even if I could get some sort of medical withdrawal from the session (it would withdraw me from both my classes not just the one), all it would do is bring my academic progress percentage below the threshold, causing me to lose my financial aid which would be a lot worse than a temporary dip in my GPA (yay grade forgiveness).
*End explanation\*
My GPA right now is a flat 3.0, which is already fairly mediocre and the minimum requirement for a lot of the companies I'm looking at (compsci/software engineering internships). It's most likely going to dip all the way down to 2.5 (or, god forbid, lower, depending on if I can squeeze an A out of the other class), because I've taken so few credits. However, there's also basically no way my GPA isn't going to go back up above a 3.0 by the time the summer actually starts. Heck, I could probably manage to get it back up to 3.0 by the end of the semester (my college is on a sort-of quarter system).
I feel like the absolute best thing I can do right now is just throw the class because there's no chance I'm going to pass it anyway, spend all my extra time doing projects and other things that can beef up my resume, and make sure I get all my applications in before this session ends while I still technically have that 3.0 GPA. Is this a terrible idea?
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