Hi everyone,
Im looking for some advice. I work for a big insurance company in Canada. I got a semi-entry level job. I have had so many crappy jobs in the past and I went through years of schooling and horrible conditions until I finally found something good.
HOWEVER, my job keps track of every task that is done. They have these avarages that say how long a task is supposed to take. Meaning that in the mornings they schedule 80 tasks that are supposed to take 7 hours of work. It is timmed to the second and there is no time for breaks. Everyone ends up working after hours to complete their assigned tasks and sometimes we have to stay at work a ridiculous ammount of time. Basically their time estimates per task as not accurate at all. Management is unable or not willing to do anything. Its pretty obvious that they use the time estimates to make everyone do over time without having to pay us for it. Its also a way to be able to keep up with production without having to spend in any resources. If you use extra time in a task because you are investigating something is basically time unaccounted for.
I dont want to be ungrateful cause I am happy to have a job like this one. But its crazy how they are working us like dogs.
So my question is: is this normal in big corporations? Ive never heard of such extreme methods of time tracking.
What do you think I should do?
Any suggestions on other positions i could try within insurance. Right now im doing something like underwritting.
Thank you!
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