Miserable at somewhat new job (The 50% raise not worth it)

Hello all:

American here. 28y/o, Engineering manager for a pharmaceutical company. Live in the middle of nowhere for work. For clarity, it's the sort of town where every adult in town works at the same place. Racism in the area and towns nearby is the most extreme I've ever seen in my life in the US (I've literally seen non-whites coworkers have people walk up to them at the gas station filling up their gas and scream racial profanities in their face).


Work/life balance is close to null because of the lack of things to do where I live. Good pay, decent insurance, vacation time is lacking (only 10 days, which accrue over the course of the year). Mornings start at 3:45 in the morning and I'm lucky if I'm home by 8pm.


Took this job last December for a 50% raise in pay after leaving a business where the CEO was openly committing fraud and I was retaliated against for speaking up against him. The wife and I agreed we could use the money. It has NOT been worth it. I seriously considered handing in my 2 weeks today and moving the F out of here.


PS: The wife equally hates this place too; mainly because as a Latina who happens to have dark skin, and due to the racism here, she does not feel safe living here. We drive 4 hours every weekend to visit my parents in order to get away from here.


Wife is INSISTENT that we move to her home country, Colombia, as every job I've managed to land after college have been typically in places where she has been miserable living due to lack of diversity, things to do, and unwelcoming people, amongst other things. I.E., it's been nearly impossible landing jobs in the bigger cities. However, I'd have to give up a near 6 figure salary for the equivalent of $20,000 to $30,000 a year, and we still have 22k in student loan debt to finish paying off.


Reddit: any advice?

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Miserable at somewhat new job (The 50% raise not worth it) Miserable at somewhat new job (The 50% raise not worth it) Reviewed by Louhi on juillet 17, 2019 Rating: 5

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