First office job is a contract position, tips on what I can do to fit in, do a great job and be extended a FT?
Hi everyone, hope you're all doing great :)
I just landed my first office job (doing underwriting type of work) after graduating & working minimum wage jobs for years. But the thing is it's a 6 month contract position, and I'd really like to be extended a full time offer with the firm.
During my interview with the regional director, I expressed my interest in being extended a FT offer and he said that 90% of people in the contract role I'm starting soon are extended offers after the contract. While it's reassuring to hear, I don't want to bank on that & get complacent and end up under-performing at my job...
So far, my plan to do a good job is to have a good attitude, learn as much as I can, ask as much questions as I can (while taking notes on it so I don't end up asking the same q's), say yes to every opportunity, attend all team socials/bonding events, and of course try to get along with everyone in the office while staying out of office gossip.
Thanks for reading up till now, any advice/tips for a kid starting his first office job and looking to get a FT offer after the contract?
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