I have an interview tomorrow and I am trying to practice and prepare for it. I've written down some notes for some of the most common interview questions, but I have an issue with performance.
I'm kind of shy and I get really intense performance anxiety. So intense that just practicing in the mirror makes my voice shake and my hands tremble. I only ever tried to run interview prep with another person once and I burst into tears so I don't try to do that anymore.
I've survived interviews and landed jobs before, sometimes the anxiety is worse than other times, but I've been unemployed since September and I was only working 8 hours a week for the two years before that, so I feel a lot of pressure to do well.
Anyone have any tips for handling performance anxiety? I've been trying to concisely answer "tell me about yourself" in the mirror for like half an hour and haven't managed to actually create concise words. I keep pausing and floundering. And that' just me in the mirror.
I know I can do this job, but I don't have confidence to pass the interview.
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