So I was hoping to get some opinions, I know there probably isn't any concrete answer. I have been working at my current workplace since Mid December, immediately after getting my BA in Psych. It pays better or comparable to other places when I started looking and half the time its really easy work. I could accept a 1$ pay cut with a 40 hour a week schedule though. The issue is with management/maintenance. Management is unwilling to take steps to ensure that we have clients that are good fits, sometimes leading to safety concerns for myself, my coworkers and even other clients. In addition, its long overnight shifts (3 12's 7 pm to 730 am) and its starting to take a lot more out of me then it did when I first started. Third and probably really related to the second is that we are 99% sure there is black mold which is affecting me and my coworker (I/we haven't asked day staff). I almost never get headaches anywhere except here and they can go from a normal headache to what I'm thinking is a migraine where even hearing noise makes me wince and I feel dizzy and lightheaded. Maintenance is aware, management is aware, the mold is painted over only for it to show back up same spot within a few months and it sounds like its been that way for awhile. It seems like mine and my coworkers symptoms are getting worse, my headaches are worse each week and gets worse as the week progresses.This part in particular is really making me want to quit my job before it really affects my health.
Anyways, I am planning on leaving my job but trying to work out some of the kinks. In Mid-December it will be one year, not a great time to be looking/switching jobs. However, a lot of applications ask how long you've been in the field. Technically last semester I did a once a week 6ish hours helping to provide art therapy for geriatric clients, was mostly observing but some helping and a lot of discussion. I also did a work study for an agency to research the impact of their model of mental health care (the model is related to possible jobs, the research isnt). Maybe I could list these to take the total up to a year?
Another issue is that I have already applied to a lot of these organizations before, sometimes for similar or the same job that is listed right now. Is it bad to apply to the same place multiple times, same role in the company? There are only a limited number of places in my area that provide this kind of care (maybe 20 or so). This worry makes me think I should wait until after the holidays and after I have an official one year in the field and at my current job.
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