Looking for resources that might guide me towards a career field

I'm dealing with the age-old crisis of not knowing what to do with my life.

I graduated from college this year. I completed the degree that I did because by the time I realized it wasn't my passion, it was no longer financially possible for me to change majors. I am now getting ready to start student loan payments and I am working three part time jobs while living with my parents. Two of my jobs are slightly relevant to what I studied, but not relevant enough to get me a higher pay rate than entry level, essentially.

There are no jobs related to my degree in my area that I am qualified for either, as most of them require physical strength (I am female and male applicants have a significant advantage in this career) as well as much more experience than I have.

I am wondering if there is a website, book, or anything that might help me evaluate my interests, skills, and education and determine how I might go about matching them to a job. I have tried the basic "What career should I have?" quizzes, but they seem to be pretty limited in scope and usefulness. I have tried speaking to a career counselor, which left me more confused, disappointed in myself, and depressed than when I started.

Sorry for the long, rambling, whiny post. I just imagine this is a common problem that other people on this subreddit might have some resources or advice for me on.

Thanks in advance.

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Looking for resources that might guide me towards a career field Looking for resources that might guide me towards a career field Reviewed by Louhi on octobre 31, 2018 Rating: 5

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