I have no idea if this is the right place to post, but I'm desperate. Also the formatting may be horrid due to being on my phone. Sorry for the excessive use of quotes.
I work for a company that employees only 4 employees (+ our new boss) so, 5 total; Accountant/Accounts Payable/Inventory/"HR", 2 Sales People/Shipping, and a Graphic Designer.
2 months ago, our owner left to take care of a sick family member and left our new "boss", let's call him Matt, in charge.
Matt is the definition of abusive and narcissistic.
Matt has hired graphic designers outside of our company, because he didn't want our in house designer doing it, despite the fact that the designer has been with the company for over 5 years.
Matt buys products from other stores all the time, to "get an idea" for how to upgrade our products. Aka ripoff other brands. So far, this has accumulated to over $1,000 in only 2 months.
Matt has his own designers mockup the new products he wants to sell, without getting an input from the rest of us, and sends off the product designs to China without any editing. We have already received a prototype that spells our company name wrong.
Matt talks non-stop about how much experience he has, how he helps build brands, and that he is a mentor to all of us... People pick their own mentors, they aren't assigned one, thank you very much!
Matt keeps us out of the loop on sales deals he creates with customers. Thus, the sales people have not honored them, since they never even knew of them. And shipping wise, he has never checked with me (the pricing person) and we have lost over $7,000 just in shipping expenses due to free shipping offers.
We needed help with Accounts Receivable since we are all so overworked. So he hired his girlfriend. Who is making more per hour than all of us, and then some.
He has yelled and had outbursts at employees. He doesn't notice how stressed we all are. We have paperwork all over the office, which he has commented on, and we all have expressed that we don't even have time to look at all the orders not yet processed, let alone the old orders we did. We are all very young as well, 25-31, while he is in his 50s, he makes his dominance known by not calling us by name, instead "kid".
Also, he doesn't do the dishes in our TINY sink; he has a buildup of silverware and tubberwaee in the sink, leaving no silverware for the rest of us. (All the silverware is my own that I brought from home for all of us)
Finally, we can't go a day without him talking in 3rd person about how great he is. "Customers tell me, Matt, you are turning the company around." "Matt, if it weren't for you, that company would be out of business." He also talks about how stressed he is, and that none of us understand "real stress".
How do I deal with this? Our graphic designer and 1 of the salespeople has already threatened to quit, and I'm in the same boat. I am doing the job of what is normally 3 or 4 people. Since I am the accountant, I see the money going out the door, and since I am HR, people are coming to me with issues. Who do I go to?! I have nobody above me to get in touch with. I can't contact our owner and any criticism given to Matt returns in great hostility towards me (think Amy from Amy's Baking Company on Kitchen Nnightmares).
At the rate I'm going I will last another month, at most. I don't sleep and I can't even take breaks since I have to be available my whole shift.
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