Should I quit or wait to be fired?

So, I've been at my job for coming up on 6 months. For the first 5 months of that, I thought everything was fine. I made some rookie mistakes, but I was getting good feedback from my immediate supervisor, on track for a promotion, but then I send one email (internally, to my supervisor) saying I can't get all the data they want (I have to call government agencies and hope they agree to provide it, 99% of the time, no problems, but some of them don't do this as a matter of policy. The places I couldn't get haven't given us this info for YEARS and my supervisor knows they don't play ball, he's the one who told me they don't) and the director of my office asked me "Do you want an adult daycare job or a professional job? I can get you an easier job if that's what you want." and said "Maybe this isn't working out and we just agree to go our separate ways? I don't know. Do you want that?" It's been one week since then.

We're right in the busiest time of the year and they want me to make a "content overview" of the data we list and our sources, which I know is basically them getting ready for someone to take my position. That's due by Tuesday and they seemed insistent about that, as well as "reminding" me to schedule temps to call people for next week, so I basically take it that I'm going to get fired this week for some arbitrary performance standard. They didn't give me any objective goals as to how to keep my job, but even if they did, I know a PIP is basically a sign you'll never move up even IF you survive.

So, I'm thinking of going in there Monday with my two weeks notice. It means I wasn't fired and if I last two more weeks, I can say I had the job for six months on a resume. The issue is if I quit, I don't get unemployment, whereas getting fired for subpar performance (with honest effort and no egregious misconduct) often means you DO get unemployment. But I also don't have to check that box that asks "Have you ever been fired from a position?" or say "I was fired/let go/involuntarily terminated/not a good fit".

I worry also that if I leave during this busy time, they won't even give me a neutral reference. Of course, if I get fired, they won't do that either.

TL;DR I'm probably getting fired at some point, want to quit so I don't have the black mark, think quitting might get me a bad reference. Should I wait it out for unemployment or quit? There's just no good move and I want to be done with this.

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Should I quit or wait to be fired? Should I quit or wait to be fired? Reviewed by Louhi on août 24, 2019 Rating: 5

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