As you may know, last Friday I have interviewed with one of the agencies that specializes in data visualization over on Skype (context: The interview went better than I have expected, and the manager seems to be very impressed by my responses. We talked about the role, the agency, and other related things.
When it's my turn to ask questions, I asked him the next steps in the hiring process. He told me that there are 3 candidates also in the interview process, and one of whom is already in the final stage of the interviewing process, in the form of a design test that is held on today (Monday). Depending on how that pans out, I may or may not land the full time position. However, he also hinted the possibility of a paid, full time internship had they hired the other candidate. So what do you all think about this situation? Is it positive that I am gonna land a position at the company, or that I should go back to job search (ugh)?
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