Back story: I'm 28 years old. Studied Corrections/Law in Post-Secondary school. Graduated 4 years ago. Currently working full-time as a security guard, making just over Min. Wage. Current loans: $50,000 debt ($25k student loans, $25k vehicle loan). Can barely make ends meet.
I've been applying to jobs in my "field" since being out of school, 4 years ago. I've been to about 8 interviews within that time and have only been able to lockdown low-paying jobs. I worked as a Youth Care Worker 2 years ago right after school, but the stress was not worth the minimal pay (~$2/hr over min. wage). Unsure where my interviews have been going wrong. I've had a couple opportunities, and have somehow screwed them up. I believe my time is worth more than win. wage, and I'm a fairly competent worker. I have decided to stay at current security job for the experience, and believe it's good to stay at 1 job longer and wait for the right position.
I applied to a large city in Canada for their open position of 911 Operator. Apparently they are hiring 20-40 people and pays $33/hr. This would be a lifechanger for me, and has now become a dream to lock this down. They responded back to my application through email with an online questionnaire about basic information regarding the job to ensure I was interested. I passed onto the next level and have set up a time to go to their HQ for a 2-hour testing segment, which includes: "short term memory, typing, spelling, sentence clarity and reading comprehension. Evaluates call taking skills, such as computer-related multi-tasking abilities, keyboarding/data entry skills, memory retention, prioritization, map reading, call summarization and performance under stress." This test is 14 days from today.
My main concern is my typing skills. I tend to have terrible habits on a keyboard and poke at keys with my index fingers, and regularly look down at the keyboard. Regardless, I can do over 50wpm (this job requires 40wpm). I've been using a computer since I was like 12, so I'm very fast, but it's still a terrible habit. Should I be trying to break this habit and become a "proper" typer? Is that possible within 2 weeks AND maintain/improve the wpm requirements? Or should I just go in as is and hope they don't care how I type, as long as I can do it fast enough?
If anyone can give any other advice it would be greatly appreciated.
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