Hello, I'm finding myself at a bit of a crossroads in life and am quite uncertain what to do. Naturally, reddit seems like the right place to take my problems. In all seriousness though, here is my situation:
Turnign 31 soon. I have a PhD in mathematics and physics - although my focus was on very theoretical topics. It turns out that this "pen and paper" research is not super employable in 21st century as most companies want to employ mathematicians who can code also. When I finished my PhD three years ago, I had never coded in my life and I applied for a hucnh of finance (quant) jobs because that's what all my friends were doing. I was unsuccessful in all interviews (partly due to lack of programming knowledge) and ended up getting into international teaching.
I've been teaching mathematics in Asia for the last three years. To be honest my initial plan was to stay one year and then return home and reapply. However the international teaching game is a pretty sweet gig and I've stayed longer than expected - good salary (cleared all student debt and saved money) , travel to places I'd otherwise never visit and teaching a subject I enjoy. Having said that, I only find twching the most senior classes slightly challenging and the younger groups bore me so I've been teaching myself some machine learning online.
Long story short, I've been accepted to a machine learning masters in London next year and need to decide from following three options:
1, Do the masters. Its a very reputable university so I'd be fairly employable afterwards in terms of coding. Downside: would use all my savings and I'm not sure how enjoyable the work is - I guess you need to try it to see though
2, Try to get employment directly. The problem with this route is that I've never really known what I wanted to do in life and whilst I've enjoyed teaching I'm no further forward in terms of a long term career plan. Perhaps I could try something less mathematical and more corporate.
3, Cancel both and stay in the teaching game. Downside of this is I'm not a qualified teacher and it in some sense leaves me stranded abroad since if I ever wanted to return home I'd need to either start afresh in a new career at an older age or else get a teaching qualification.
Important things for me are: (1) have a job that is fun and that I enjoy going to in the morning, (2) gets respect from colleagues family and friends, (3) decent wage
Teaching has (1) and part of (2) - colleagues and students respect me but many family and friends aya I'm overqualified.
Anyway long rant over. I know this is a personal decision but I'd appreciate any input from people who may have found themselves at a similar juncture decision-wise
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