I am in my late 20s and started a new job over 2 months ago. Its a mid senior level role in supply chain. I received barely any training and minimal guidance. Ita a brand new team so the processes are not set up yet
I have been really struggling as a result because the requirements of the role are really ambigous and vague. When i ask people questions i usually dont get a clear answer.
I am not used to working independently. I was used to a manager who wouls give me lots of guidance previously so i hate not knowing if im doing things right or not
As a result ive been quite lost and my quality of work has been poor ro be honest i dont even believe in my own work, i feel its a lot of BS what i have done so far.
i lost a lot of motivation and been procrastinating A LOT lately. Starting the job remotely made things way harder. Sometimes i get bored because i feel lost thar i just go to my bed to rest. Its really bad
My manager told me i am doing well but i dont believe him since he doesnt know how much i am slacking off. Now, work and projects are piling up and dont think ill be able to deliver and really scared people will get angry at me. I dont know what i am doing and i am bullshiting my way through. I feel really stupid during meetings and speak with very low confidence.
Any advice? What can i do to turn things around? I feel its too late to turn things around after 2.5 months. I slacked off way too much and lose patience very easily
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