Post-Interview Anxiety

I’m one of those stupid people that gets super anxious after interviews.

We’re planning on moving back to our hometown next year, and I found a job in my field that would allow me to work remotely until I move out there. I also have a friend that works there, and so that’s an added benefit.

I had an interview with them Tuesday, and now I’ve been stressing about every little thing about it since then. I thought it went really; we went over time, she told me next steps, and also told me they weren’t in a big hurry because they wanted to make sure that they have the work lined up so they don’t end up doing a “hire and fire,” which actually works out in my favor since I’m having our second child in 6 1/2 weeks, and gave me a time frame on when I should hear back after their leadership meeting. It was also very personal and relaxed, and my friend told me that she didn’t have any other interviews on her calendar (mine was on there though).

I know I shouldn’t stress because these things take time, especially if they’re wanting to do things right on their end, but I just can’t help it. It would be the perfect situation with a good company, and I’d really like to have something lined up by the time we move.

So, what do you do to help yourself not worry about a job post-interview? It’s a reaccuring thing for me that I’d like to figure out how to cope with.

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Post-Interview Anxiety Post-Interview Anxiety Reviewed by Louhi on juillet 09, 2020 Rating: 5

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