Can beggars be choosers during this time? - retail/cashiering

BG: Worked in retail for a year, quit for school and an overall dissatisfaction with the job environment. And then boom, COVID. Need a regular source of income to get me through to next year, but the thought of returning to retail makes me anxious. I have a degree, but my last job is the only "hireable" professional experience I have.

There's a customer service associate opening at a drugstore near me, and it seems to be on a smaller scale than my last job. However, I get anxious because of difficult customers and possibly management, and my lack of bilingualism (have a large Spanish-speaking community). I hate letting myself feel incompetent in this way. Also have a genuine concern about the high cases of COVID in my city, and just being around people for long periods of time because of it.

I've considered finding more stocking/backroom positions, but have wondered about the physical component (5'0, sorta weak and out of shape, never operated lifting machinery).

I want to slash away as many options as I can before considering retail again, but at the same time I know anyone would be thankful for any job right now.

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Can beggars be choosers during this time? - retail/cashiering Can beggars be choosers during this time? - retail/cashiering Reviewed by Louhi on juillet 09, 2020 Rating: 5

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