Declining a Job Offer

Which job offer should I take?

I posted this a couple days ago in a different subreddit and I've decided to go with Company A. Now I have to inform Company B of my decision by tomorrow. What's the best way to decline the offer in a polite way that also doesn't burn any bridges in case I would like to work for them in the future. I'm not sure if they will come back with a counter offer to try to get me to pick them, but if they do, I don't think I'd change my mind unless they somehow offer me $80K+/yr salary. I've also already informed Company A of my decision to accept the offer, so for me to back out now would require a huge counter offer from Company B because that would cause burned bridges with Company A. Draft below...

Good morning,

Thank you again for the offer and all your answers to my questions. Last week I received a job offer at a different company and after much deliberation, I believe that the other company’s offer is the best option for me after considering all aspects. I know this is not the news you were looking for, but I appreciate your time throughout the whole process and wish you all the best of success in hiring the right person for this position.

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Declining a Job Offer Declining a Job Offer Reviewed by Louhi on septembre 15, 2019 Rating: 5

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