Hi all. I couldn’t find the right flair so here it’s goes:
I’m starting a new job on September 5 and, upon signing my offer letter at the beginning of August, notified them that I have a vacation preplanned for the beginning of October. Nobody has reached out to me or mentioned it/asked for dates. But the details are:
My boyfriend is on a contract with a fishing boat in Alaska. I am meant to be visiting him for about 5 days, but the issue is he doesn’t know when his boss will pull him. He says they usually work him until the end of the 90 days (sept 27) but there’s nothing that could stop them from letting him loose a week early.
After he’s released, they go for a week-long debrief before getting 2 weeks of vacation. At my last job, which was pretty flexible, I had a plan to be gone for up to 5 work days between September 25 - October 10. I would only get 10 days notice to book my flight.
But now that I’m starting this new gig and I don’t have official dates, I’m trying to figure out how to explain this. Like I said, no one has yet to follow up with my “I have a preplanned vacation for the beginning of October” but I’m unsure of how to present the situation in a professional manner. I’m trying to wait to give them dates until the last possible moment but it’s quick approaching and I don’t want to come across as a flake.
Should I be honest about the situation? Guess/make up dates and hope it works out? Any advice will be helpful - thank you!
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