My wife recently got a job offer that lists her Base Salary, potential bonuses, and then in a third column it lists a category called MRP.
She is highly considering taking the offer since the base salary represents a 7.5% raise over her current base salary (and in both positions she would retain overtime) and the bonuses are triple what her current bonus is. But then there is this third category listed as MRP. The benefits are also modestly better in this new position which is a factor.
I tried my best to Google what MRP in a job offer means but I can't seem to find anything conclusive. My best guess is that it means Market Reference Point. But given the context of the offer I don't necessarily know what that means.
She is heavily interested in the job but is considering other factors however if this added amount known as MRP is some sort of extra bonus range or salary type that could push the offer over the table.
If anyone can shed some light on this I would love to know.
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