I have been on a ton of on-site interviews, but I almost always fail (about 85% failure rate) when the interview consists of 3 or more interviewers from all different job functions. Always super formal and uncomfortable and no going off-script. I'm sooooo over it.
Gotta ask those canned behavioral questions where they expect riveting STAR-model answers to come spewing out of a candidate's mouth without missing a beat. Negative marks if you dare ask for a moment to collect your thoughts while you draw upon years of experience to pull out a relevant example in an already high pressure situation. Necessary, though, because you can't anticipate every curveball question.
Oh, also, let's not forget about Kevin. Always a Kevin on a panel interview. He doesn't participate to any significant degree. He's clearly checked out of the interview before it even starts. He loves sitting 4ft from you to stare you down, arms crossed, leaned back, inquisitive look on his face. He isnt there to take notes but eveyone else does. His opinion during the closed-door post-interview panel discussion seemingly holds more weight than that of the hiring manager, with whom you had a successful 30-minute 1:1 pre-interview beforehand. Negative marks from Kevin if you had the audacity to break eye contact with him to engage other panel members during the interview. Dont you dare stare at Kevin, though, because he'll say it's creepy and defiant.
Can't we just have a conversation like normal humans and make that be the interview? I've had my share of those and they tend to result in actual job offers. Face-to-face is mostly to assess your fit anyway so it would seem a natural conversation would be more conducive to assessing fit.
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