Presentation on “anything” during in person interview

I have been going through the interview process for a small start up and have already been through 2 phone interviews and a project related to the job position. I got an email regarding the in person interview with the lineup of interviewers and they added that I need to present a 10 minute presentation on “any topic of my choice” after.

I’m curious if this is a normal request. Also if they would be looking more for if I’m a cultural fit or if they are trying to assess my presentation skills which the job description didn’t really mention.

Personally I’d be far more comfortable doing a presentation on a topic related to the job than something like a passion or myself. But could use some advice!

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Presentation on “anything” during in person interview Presentation on “anything” during in person interview Reviewed by Louhi on novembre 04, 2018 Rating: 5

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