I start a new job tomorrow and the process has already stressed me out so much. Is this normal?

So I got a new job doing inspection in an automotive warehouse/assembly line. The interview went smoothly enough and I got a call saying that they want to hire me and I had to do my new hire paperwork asap. They already told me when my first day would be but I didn't know the hours or where exactly to report to.

I waited 5 days after I did my new hire paperwork and hadn't heard from anyone. I couldn't get in contact with the woman who hired me because she's on vacation. I called the company number and got transferred twice and then told I would get an email. I got an email yesterday (two days before I start) telling me the hours and who to report to etc etc. All good!

But just today I got a call from the a man at the company asking me to confirm my shift tomorrow and he gave me a different time than the email?? I questioned it and he told me his time is correct.

Then he gave me a confirmation number and I asked what I do with the confirmation number and he said he doesn't know??

Then he said I will have to call tomorrow to find out what my hours are for Tuesday. I asked if that is just how it works for training and he said no, I will need to call every day to find out my hours for the next day. I said I have another part time job and asked if at some point I will have a set schedule so I can work the two out and he just said that's how the company works.

Nowhere in the hiring process did they tell me that I won't know my hours until the day before. The said it's a full time job so I assumed mon-friday or something similar.

Is this just how some warehouse jobs work?? It's honestly stressing me out so much. I am trying to move soon and I don't know how to budget or work my part time job into my schedule when I won't even know my schedule or what my pay checks will be until the week before.

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I start a new job tomorrow and the process has already stressed me out so much. Is this normal? I start a new job tomorrow and the process has already stressed me out so much. Is this normal? Reviewed by Louhi on novembre 04, 2018 Rating: 5

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